Skin lumps usually appear on the head, neck, underarm, waist, shoulder and
arm. They are benign growths that can appear at any time. In medicine these
growths are often referred to as lipomas.
Lipomas usually appear in one part of the body, but on a
regular basis they may appear all over the body, and also cause certain
Researchers still cannot confirm which is the root cause for
the occurrence of lipomas, but most of them agree that genetics is an important
factor. Many believe that obesity and cholesterol cannot be considered as risk
Get Rid of Fatty
Tissue Naturally
You do not have to
worry about your lipomas. What is more important, you do not have to worry
about using heavy medications or any scalpels running over your skin.
Note that there is no guarantee that the lump will not
re-emerge after the intervention. The diagnosis should be always given by
experts, taking into consideration that surgery and other techniques are not
always necessary, especially if the lump does not cause a physical handicap or
if it is tiny.
In such cases, dermatologists recommend organic approaches.
The efficacy of this recipe is no longer questionable, taking into
consideration that it has helped many individuals. All you need is some honey
and flour.
Honey and Flour
Mix some flour and honey, and apply the mixture directly on
the skin lump. The mixture should have a density of 0.5 to 1 cm (the thickness
to apply should be 1/2 -1 cm in depth. It would need to be fairly thick in
consistency so it would not run everywhere when applied). Cover with a paper
towel or a bandage to keep the cream-like mixture in place.
Keep the mixture on for a day and a half, or 36 hours. Then,
take it off and repeat the method. Repeat the method for five times, meaning
the whole treatment should last for 7-8 days. You should see some improvement
and visible results. The fatty deposits under your skin will eventually
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