A childhood friend came around, while we were gisting and catching up with old times, the issue of infidelity in marriage came up. She was telling me how she caught her husband pants down with one of her employees and how she sent the girl away, forgave her husband and made it looked like it never happened.
She has a different opinion from mine considering infidelity in marraige. She believes once you get married, you must do everything it takes to keep the marriage together, as death is the only escape route, so you must keep enduring even if your partner is not making you happy.
I believe marriage is to be enjoyed and not to be endured, you should be happy in your marriage; If your spouse is not making you happy and you have tried to make him/her know how you feel and what you want, then you should find a way to make yourself happy even if it means getting out of the marriage.
I can’t deal with a cheating husband, the home will never be the same again once my husband is caught cheating more than twice. If you can cheat the first time, second and third time, then you will continue cheating. Thank God I have never caught my husband cheating, I pray for him everyday never to go astray.
I will definitely forgive him but it will take him a long time to earn my trust again, if you are cheating then you must lie to cover your tracks. I will have to verify everything you tell me because i will assume you lie even when you are telling the truth. I will start checking your phone logs, your movement and so on which is not healthy for the home we are trying to build.
Another thing is the intimacy, in my past relationships, a cheating partner irritates me. I won’t even allow you hold my hands if you are a chronic cheater and liar, let alone kissing or going further because i don’t know if you are using protection with the other women you are sleeping with or not and I wouldn’t want to catch an STD from you. Now imaggine a marriage without intimacy, it will definitely hit the rock.
Finally I will become less supportive in issues of finace, i will put in less effort in generating joint income and keep my money and ideas to myself because it is in my subconcious that you are spending money on another woman, therefore my efforts are for your other women.
Well she said my reactions are too hash as men are bound to cheat and women are meant to be faithful, take care of the home and the children. I have 1001 opportunities to cheat everyday, men ask me out everyday but i chose not to cheat because i know it will have a negative effect on my home. Why can’t my partner choose not to cheat also?
This brought the question of how to deal with issue of infidelity in marriage, how do you react to a cheating partner?
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